Hey 31:17 Fam!
It's been a while since I've posted on my journey page or blog, but for good reason. Did I take a break from all things health and fitness? Yep. For a little while. I had some difficult issues arise in my life that totally knocked me out of my element. However, (praise God) I've been back on the bandwagon for a minute now. So why haven't I been posting you ask? The truth is, I had some serious re-evaluating to do on why I even do fitness in the first place. Let me explain.
When I started this page, my goal was to make this a place where women could be encouraged in their fitness goals while giving glory and honor to Christ. My aim was to make Christ the center of the community, while everything else flowed from Him. Did it turn out that way? Truthfully, I don't think so. I had grown bored with the page rather quickly because it became a task more so than a joy. I started to focus more on "likes" and "followers" rather than the One whom I follow. I was burned out with all of it. Don't get me wrong, giveaways, challenges, motivational pics, and all that are awesome! I love stuff like that! However, that was NOT the entire vision I had in mind when I was creating this community. My page was becoming about ME, and my own glory, and the glory of fitness rather than the Glory of God working through fitness and wellness. Praise God he revealed this to me and convicted me and lead me to repent.
So, what now? I feel now, since my Spirit has been renewed, I feel confident enough to post these blogs again, however I feel lead to make it more than just fitness. Fitness and Health is an extremely important part of my life, but its not the only part, nor the main part. Expect to see more of me and my life journey and my everyday struggles and victories. My vision for 31:17 Fit Journey is bigger and more Christ centered and focused than ever. I ask that you all will keep me in prayer and lifted up so that everything that I share from here on out will glorify the Lord above all and will empower women, not discourage them and will build up their spirit, bodies, and minds. Our community is for EVERY woman who desires to live a healthier and fitter lifestyle, not just the super fit or the most athletic or the most desirable. Don't expect perfection, because just like everyone else, I am a broken imperfect human being, but through his Grace, I am being made whole. Thanks for bearing with me fam! Lets get it popping!
31:17 Fit Journey
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11
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